born April 2, 2009 @ 12:59p
7.6 lbs 22 inches
I will make a very long story short and say that we were admitted to the hospital at 1am Wed. morning, I was moving right along, had a fabulous epidural (thank you Frank, the Anesthesiologist) and then got stuck on 7cm. We then were simply waiting for the dr who got held up in surgery for 5 hours due to complications. She ended up ordering me to be induced as I had been waiting too long. The dr finally got out of surgery and 45 minutes later (@ 12:59p) Quinn Stevan was welcomed into the world.
Overall the delivery went as smooth as I can imagine one going (except the waiting...that was a little exasperating) and it gave mom time to get to Indiana and be there for the delivery (and support for me). Eric was amazingly calm this time around, mom supportive and my friend Joy hung out with me all night and helped us with Isaiah during the "tricky" parts.
We had many wonderful visitors and enjoyed all the love we felt! Thanks to all for the texts, flowers, love, phone calls and visits! Will update as time goes forward. Enjoy the movie... man, is it good to be home!
Congratulations!!!!! Make sure you tell Eric for us!!! Quin is such a beautiful little boy, and definitely looks like he fits right in! So cool that Isaiah is old enough to experience and enjoy his little brother this way, I bet they will always have a special bond. Congrats again, wish we were there to be ableto visit!
Welcome Quinn!!! Congrats to you all!!! :) Everyone is looking great. it was fun getting the updates from Eric and then the text with the pic of the new little guy (well looong guy :)). I hope that the transition continues to go well and we can't wait to meet him!
We are so excited for all of you! :) Welcome Quinn!
Welcome Welcome little Quinn! I'm so glad you're finally here! You will give your mom and dad and Isaiah alot to be thankful for!!
Great Aunt Joyce
(great aunt sounds way older than grandma!)
Yeaaa He made it!! Welcome Quinn!! :) He is beautiful
CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so excited for all of you and will be thinking of you all as you adjust to a new family dynamic. Welcome Quinn!
I absolutely love the picture of him wrapped up in the blanket! That is too adorable. Congrats family!
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