Tuesday, August 17, 2010

1st Day(s)!!

For two of my babes :) It was the first day of school today...E in his student teaching adventure and Isaiah in third grade! E looked handsome and ready to go. He is teaching a 2nd grade class the first half of the semester and a 6th grade class during the last half.
As our annual tradition, Isaiah and I went out for breakfast before his first day. We picked Martin's supermarket for their yummy donuts and muffins. He let me take a few pics in his classroom and then I left to get to work.
I did have a momentary tear as I walked out of the building and then thought...good grief, it's third grade?! I mean, I understand tearful departures for Kindergarten and maybe even first grade but seriously, THIRD grade? It was one of those moments I was glad neither he nor Eric were there. :) Anyway, I guess it was the fact that my babe is just so big and brave and handsome...
Aren't they unbelievably handsome!?!?!?!?!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Outside Summer Fun

While we didn't really get to take a family trip this year, we have had alot of outside fun. We have been to a friend's house at a lake in Michigan, to the pool more times than we can count, on walks, to several playgrounds, in our back yard and to my family reunion.

Both the boys LOVE LOVE LOVE the water which is fun but a little tiring on the Q-end :( He has no fear so there is alot of chasing that goes on to ensure that he doesn't drown while trying to drink the water. Isaiah has become quite an adept swimmer and enjoys anytime he can get in some kind of water. It's been so hot that we have even gotten E to go with us to the pool a couple of times...which is awesome! (you would appreciate this more if you realized how much he prefers to stay where the air is conditioned :) :) )

In looking at my pics I am a little saddened by my lack of gusto with the picture taking this summer. There are so many things and places I didn't get on camera :( Sigh. I guess you will just have to enjoy what I did remember to capture.

Anyway, I thought it would be fun to make a little slideshow of some fun times outside...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Little Tornado

A tornado. A whirlwind. A rascal. A monkey. A path of terror. It never ends...
but at least he's cute doing it :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

My Garden now...

or as of July 25th....yeah for me :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Basketball Tourney!

First tourney in several years!

The boys (Scott and Seth), Eric and our friend, Rick played in a 3-on-3 tournament in Lima on July 31st. Scott came up with the creative name of the "Tramblers" which was a combination of the three last names playing (Troyer, Chandler and Ambers). Loved it! There were several years that they did this every summer either in Elkhart or somwhere in Lima and was alot of fun for the family to watch. It's been quite awhile so it was pretty exciting to have them enter again.

They played in humidity, then there was pouring rain, then it was unbelievable hot, direct sun. They played against some decent guys and then against the man we only know as "Steroid man" who was just as mean to his own teammates as he was while elbowing the opponents. He was horrible and E had to hush me several times when I felt my opinion should be spoken. :) It was double elimination and even though they were disappointed, the rest of us were proud when they won THIRD place out of everyone.

Congrats boys!