Tuesday, August 17, 2010

1st Day(s)!!

For two of my babes :) It was the first day of school today...E in his student teaching adventure and Isaiah in third grade! E looked handsome and ready to go. He is teaching a 2nd grade class the first half of the semester and a 6th grade class during the last half.
As our annual tradition, Isaiah and I went out for breakfast before his first day. We picked Martin's supermarket for their yummy donuts and muffins. He let me take a few pics in his classroom and then I left to get to work.
I did have a momentary tear as I walked out of the building and then thought...good grief, it's third grade?! I mean, I understand tearful departures for Kindergarten and maybe even first grade but seriously, THIRD grade? It was one of those moments I was glad neither he nor Eric were there. :) Anyway, I guess it was the fact that my babe is just so big and brave and handsome...
Aren't they unbelievably handsome!?!?!?!?!

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