Monday, November 15, 2010

Gone Again

A couple of weeks after I returned from the DR and I find myself gone again. I am in Indy for work training for 3 days. Left yesterday eve (sun) and will be home on Wed eve. It was a little harder this time around...probably because it wasn't something I had been looking forward to for the past 7 years. Actually, wasn't really looking forward to it at all :(

Anyway, I am here with a co-worker so that makes it a little better since at least I am not eating alone! After being a little pouty last night (by myself) about how lonely it seemed and how bored I thought I might be, I realized that I need to just appreciate the time I have alone. Why wouldn't I appreciate the time alone? There are so many things I can, devotions, read a book , play computer games, blog, facebook, sleep, eat.

So, I have spent quiet time doing devotions, I have done yoga, I have played a couple of games on the computer and I have listened to relaxing music as I feel asleep. I have also talked to my babes and eaten some pretty yummy Thai food so far. :)

While I am trying to appreciate this time, I will be happy to be back with my boys soon.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Next time you're in Indy, call us, we'd meet you anywhere for some food and a few laughs!!! (You could even stay in our guest room.)