Saturday, April 9, 2011

Indy, Part II

After the zoo, we spent the evening with our friends Tom, Jen & Kevin and their son, Nolan. Nolan is 5 months younger than Quinn and quite a friendly and lovey little guy...too bad Quinn was NOT feelin' the love back until the end of the night. Kevin grilled dinner for us and we spent time talking, watching the babes play and Isaiah hoopin' it up on the Wii. I am realizing now that the only pics I took were of the kids so I guess you will just have to imagine the adults being there :) Quinn (2yo) and Nolan (19 mo) Nolan trying to give Q hugs although he wasn't very responsive...

Q spent about 1/2 hour himself and Nolan (who listened very intently). Very cute.

Nolan giving Izzy some love.

Quinn finally lovin' back! :)

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