Sunday, November 30, 2008


Happy Thanskgiving to one and all! It is by far my favorite holiday and once again, completely enjoyed being with my family for an extended weekend. It is always a welcome get-away to go home and do nothing...

So, the kids always steal the show. It is SOOOO awesome to see the love that Isaiah has for Leegan and vice versa. Although he reaches his limit of tolerance, he spends quite a bit of time keeping her occupied. She is enthralled by him and is an amazingly happy, giggly, excited little (and quickly growing) girl.
I included a couple of pics of
them together. The first is just a pic of them
together and the second is after hours (or
what seemed like) of Isaiah running around
Leegan in circles and her spinning to watch
him. They finally collapsed. They are just too
much fun.

Just year we will have doubled the numbers! :)

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