Saturday, June 27, 2009


While I don't understand how there could possibly be no comments on my earlier blog about our bat infestation (and my tribulations regarding that infestation) I will continue on with the tale. I do eventually expect some kind of sympathy or at least horrified comments...

Tonight I needed to change over laundry and thought I would do it quickly before going to bed. I was casually minding my own business while walking down the basement stairs. Suddenly out of NOWHERE a HUGE, hairy, fluttering black bat went whizzing past my head. THE BAT CAME BACK! I slammed down on the stairs (I was second from bottom), hurting my sun-burnt shins and shimmied down to the floor. As many of you might be wondering....yes, I am pretty sure I screamed slightly and may have swore like a sailor. I'm okay with it.

Now the basement ceilings are LOW and this horrendously large bat was flying at light speed around the basement and swooping almost to the floor. (This was all noticed within about a 5 second interval). I half-stood and ran up the stairs (still swearing I am sure although it is a little fuzzy). I slammed the door to the basement(good thinking on my part), ran through the kitchen, through the office, up the two sets of stairs to the second level, burst into our room and woke Eric up from a dead sleep (Snoring) shouting quietly lest we wake Quinn up, "THE BAT IS BACK." God bless him. For someone who has issues waking up, this whole bat ordeal really gets him moving quickly!

Eric, Isaiah and myself traipsed back downstairs while figuring out how to arm ourselves. Eric decided on a pillow and Isaiah's tennis racket (gross), I again weilded the trash can lid. Isaiah was very offended that he didn't have a "weapon" so he got out the yard stick (that would have to be some good aim...). Suddenly Eric shushed us. He could hear the bat on the other side of the door to the basement...beating his nasty, huge, hairy wings. So Eric went out through the front door, walked around the house and opened the back doors. According to him, the bat just flew out. PRAISE GOD!

In my defense, Eric affirmed it was a BIG bat. Ickkkk. I still shudder at the thought.


The Brown's said...

YUCK! I hate bats... not sure I would go back down a second time, you are braver than I am...

spiderwart said...

I'm shuddering just thinking about it! (Sorry the horrified comment is a little late, I have been traveling). Bats freak me out too. Once my brother had a bat get into the MVS house where he was living with five women, obviously he was the one everyone ran screaming to, and he bravely removed the flying beast from the house, after several attempts and getting bit! He had to get rabies shots just in case, and those things are awful! I know there are those placid fruit bats hanging in the jungle at the local zoo, and the really cute kids book, Stella Luna, but I am still getting shivers down my back!

Deeb said...

Sure glad Eric can wake up enough to deal with the bat!! :) That's funny. Really? Were you going to beat the snot out of it or what? That is brave and gross!

grandma d said...


Joyce & Nate

Jen Myers said...

glad to hear it is out of the house!!! i'm not sure what i would have done!!