Because Isaiah is going to a new school this year (and because of Elkhart changing everything in the school system including start times) he has to get up at the ridiculous hour of 6:45am to be ready and out of the house by 7:15am. So far it hasn't been a problem (thank God!) and this morning was precious. I was already up feeding Quinn so I went to wake up Isaiah and he wanted Quinn to cuddle with him. I put Quinn beside Isaiah and he automatically turned on his side and wrapped his arm around Isaiah's face. It was priceless and absoutely endearing.

i love it!!! you and eric have the most adorable boys and beautiful family. I look forward to our little guy finally arriving and our families getting to spend time together. Good luck on the job search. I have yet to experience being a stay at home mom but know that if given the chance there is nothing else I would rather do.
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