Wednesday, September 2, 2009

5 Months!

Quinn is 5 months old! He continues to be completely adorable of course. He is starting to sleep better...a majority of the time he only wakes up once in the middle of the night, eats and then goes back to sleep. He still likes to suck on his toes, play with his feet and stick his tongue out. The newest addition to that is that he does this weird sucking thing with his lip. I can't seem to capture it though since as soon as he does it, I pull the camera out and he stops. Some day...

He rolls all over the place but hasn't attempted to crawl yet. Seems to be a little annoyed with the whole process of laying on his belly to get somewhere. I think he would rather just move to walking or jumping. He is definitely a mover and a shaker. That said, he LOVES his jumper. I sometimes watch him and wonder how he doesn't get whiplash. I think I would just throw up.

He adores Isaiah and tends to be a sitting duck for all of Isaiah's little whims. This is expressed clearly in the above picture. :( Isaiah does get quite a kick out of it and Quinn seems to find many of his antics funny.Check out Quinn's face!?!?!? Don't you wonder what he was thinking at that exact moment?

This is a favorite game with daddy: Daddy blows in my belly and I suck on his head. Hilarious to see but slightly gross afterwards.
Another favorite game of the "boys" I call "spit talking." It is much like you would envision Cavemen communicating. Sometimes they sit together, sometimes they are sitting across the doesn't matter. Eric will make this sound with his lips...a pause will follow...Quinn will respond with the same sound being blown from his lips...another pause and daddy will respond like wise. Sometimes Isaiah adds one. I can't do it so I stay out of it. It is quite humorous to witness although quite messy and slobbery if you are the lucky one holding Quinn.
I do believe that daddy is Quinn's favorite person or at least it is quickly becoming that way. He loves his brother and of course I (being the breast-feeding mama) provide the good stuff but daddy always seems to make him less fussy. Don't get me wrong...this is a WONDERFUL thing!


spiderwart said...

I love the spit talking and the slobber on Eric's head! Priceless!

The Chandler's said...

you have no idea! :)