Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy 60th Dad!

Happy Birthday Dad!
The boys and I went home this weekend to help celebrate dad's birthday with the family. Spent the time hanging out and talking, Saturday Isaiah made a card for g'pa and Sunday we enjoyed a birthday lunch prepared by Bridget (brother's girlfriend). It was delicious. Afterwards we took (or tried to take) some pics of theproud grandparents with their growing brood of grandbabies. It's getting a little more difficult but fun none-the-less. :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Boy and His Dog

Isaiah LOVES his dog, Jeb, AKA "my adopted brother." Although Jeb's obvious master is Eric, he knows who to go to to get some lovin'.

Monday, September 21, 2009

God's Plan

So the news on the job front is still nada. I have been looking and looking and looking, etc. There aren't many to choose from and the ones that have been offered make my unemployment pay look lucrative. To my utter astonishment, I LOVED being home this summer with the boys and still enjoy being home with Quinn...much more that I even thought I would. BUT enjoyment does not pay the bills. I was pretty excited about a job I interviewed for a couple of weeks ago and found out last Monday that I didn't get it. Was pretty bummed (still am) and really struggled with the whole "why?" thing. This brings on the questions...

While it is easy to say "it wasn't meant to be," the people saying that aren't the ones that will have to figure out how to pay the bills. This said...I do realize that God has a plan and unfortunately it isn't always the same as mine. I am sure that His plan is better (okay, I know it will be better) but for those of us with control issues this is a hard thing to surrender. With this surrender comes the realization that when I initially found out I was going to lose my job, I figured we had until the end of June before our savings ran out. June has come and gone and we are still okay.

So. Knowing this, saying it out loud, reading it...why do I still have problems trusting his plan fearlessly and without question?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Me & My Babe

(...Or at least one of them :) )

I find that since I am the one who loves to take pics in our family (much to E's dismay at times), I am often not in the pictures. This isn't a huge problem except then it often appears as though I wasn't even there. During special events, I do want to remember being there...if for no other reason than to document it for posterity. :)
Anyway, here are a couple that Isaiah took on a random day doing random stuff and I think they're pretty cute.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Some Fun Pics

Just some pictures for the fun of it. Isaiah wanted to pose with Quinn and I thought this one of them was hilarious since their facial expressions are pretty much identical!
The second one was caught after Quinn gave the dog's hairy back a big, open-mouthed kiss. He didn't seem to like it (Quinn that is) but kept trying even after this pic. He really gets quite a kick out of Jeb. He often smiles and talks to him even though Jeb pays him very little mind at this point (unless there is still tastiness around Quinn's mouth...then there is licking attempted when he thinks I'm not looking. Yuck.)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Goshen 1st Fridays

For those who do not live around here...Goshen businesses started this thing called First Fridays of Goshen. The first friday of every month, the small businesses in downtown Goshen have specials, there is live music, random clowns walking around, and different months have special events. For September it was a Fashion Show which included a Yoga Demonstration. I was involved in the yoga demo which happened while the fashion show was going on. Yes, sounds strange but received very good feedback. :) In the top pic you can see one of the little girls who were part of the show and absolutely stole the show!

Anyway, we (this includes my Yoga instructor Kara, myself and 4 other ladies) did a quick 10 minute group demo before the show started. When the show started we then paired off and all 6 of us took turns doing sequences with a partner. This said, I was hoping that my son or husband would be able to get some good pictures of the group of us flowing in poses but alas...my second son decided to be fussy, Eric had to "step out" and the camera was then manned by Isaiah.

Now I do not say this with fear. Isaiah enjoys taking pictures and usually does a pretty good job. In defense of him, I guess no one really told him to take pics of the group so they were mainly of me (God love him) and many were of my rear end since that happened to be where he chose to stand in relation to the stage.

That said here are a couple.

How cute is he?

I just happen to think this outfit is adorable and wanted to share it with the world. :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009


West Palm Beach to be exact. The weekend before E started school, I left for a long weekend to go to WPB to visit one of my dear friends, Chris. WITHOUT KIDS! It was a wonderful time. We were able to spend girl time together, just talking, hanging on the beach, eating (okay sometimes she forgot to feed me but I quickly learned to make myself at home) and enjoying her son, Anthony (21 months) and her husband, Dan. Her mom made some killer food for us and I met their friend, AJ. For three nights I slept with NO disturbances! (okay...there was the slight disturbance of a 16 month old around 7-8am-ish in the morning...but that's better than 3 and unforunately I was already up!!!) It was awesome.

It was wonderful to reconnect and just relax. It is amazing to have a friend in life that together we can fill in any amount of time with talking and not run out of subjects. To know that no matter how much time passes, we can always pick up where we left off. To know that we can go years without seeing each other but she is only a call away and there aren't many secrets. To know that we have both grown from single, goin' out ladies to being wives and mothers and we are STILL friends. To know that there have been bumps along the road in our friendship but ultimately the bond hasn't changed. Freakin' fabulous. Love you Chris!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

5 Months!

Quinn is 5 months old! He continues to be completely adorable of course. He is starting to sleep better...a majority of the time he only wakes up once in the middle of the night, eats and then goes back to sleep. He still likes to suck on his toes, play with his feet and stick his tongue out. The newest addition to that is that he does this weird sucking thing with his lip. I can't seem to capture it though since as soon as he does it, I pull the camera out and he stops. Some day...

He rolls all over the place but hasn't attempted to crawl yet. Seems to be a little annoyed with the whole process of laying on his belly to get somewhere. I think he would rather just move to walking or jumping. He is definitely a mover and a shaker. That said, he LOVES his jumper. I sometimes watch him and wonder how he doesn't get whiplash. I think I would just throw up.

He adores Isaiah and tends to be a sitting duck for all of Isaiah's little whims. This is expressed clearly in the above picture. :( Isaiah does get quite a kick out of it and Quinn seems to find many of his antics funny.Check out Quinn's face!?!?!? Don't you wonder what he was thinking at that exact moment?

This is a favorite game with daddy: Daddy blows in my belly and I suck on his head. Hilarious to see but slightly gross afterwards.
Another favorite game of the "boys" I call "spit talking." It is much like you would envision Cavemen communicating. Sometimes they sit together, sometimes they are sitting across the room...it doesn't matter. Eric will make this sound with his lips...a pause will follow...Quinn will respond with the same sound being blown from his lips...another pause and daddy will respond like wise. Sometimes Isaiah adds one. I can't do it so I stay out of it. It is quite humorous to witness although quite messy and slobbery if you are the lucky one holding Quinn.
I do believe that daddy is Quinn's favorite person or at least it is quickly becoming that way. He loves his brother and of course I (being the breast-feeding mama) provide the good stuff but daddy always seems to make him less fussy. Don't get me wrong...this is a WONDERFUL thing!