Monday, March 30, 2009

Newest Update

Had a dr. appt today and I am 2.5 cm dilated and my cervix is soft! Yeah, things are moving!

I had a little nesting moment again today and painted the trim in the baby room along with a complete cleaning of the room (and the upstairs) so I am feeling more like everything is ready! The other day I found a very cheap area rug (must love cheap) that matches the room and much to my surprise I checked the mail today and found a little package from mom just for me. It contained...the dresser scarf! This is the last item in things that were made for the baby room (okay that I had planned to make but things went differently...GOD BLESS YOU MOTHER!). Isaiah didn't quite understand when I shouted "Your grandma ROCKS!" as I opened the package and then was even more dismayed when he saw it was "just a green thing." I, on the other hand was obviously excited. Anyway, the room is finally and utterly complete. Awesome.

Friday, March 27, 2009

American Idol

I am finally succumbing to the need of expressing my opinion (yes, shocker to most of you that I have held it in this long...), as un-wanted as it may be and I hope with all hope that those AI fanatics (namely Erin) will read it and respond.

This is it in a nutshell...I have no idea how they even HAVE an AI this year! Allison is the ONLY one with unbridled talent. Anoop and Kris were hanging by a thread and barely I might add. Out of the rest, several of them can't even carry a tune. How do you make it on AI if you sing through your nose, constantly sing in a flat pitch and do they have a show stylist? Yes, these are just questions, but I believe they are pertinent ones when a show is supposed to be based on talent and talent alone.

Those of you new to this frenzy of opinions, should know that I had stopped watching this show about 3 years ago because I would get so fired up about the skewed voting process. I was conned into watching it again this year by all of Erin and Kevin's posts that made me want to express my opinions boldly. Now I am watching and angry all over again at the complete waste of time this show is. This knowledge fighting against the struggle that I need to know that I am right in my opinions of how badly all but possibly 3 of the singers stink!

I am done now. I may update next week but my rant for this one is over. Whew.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Getting larger and larger...

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Quiet

After a weekend of guests and numerous activities, I am realizing how quiet my house is. This is not a bad thing, just a re-adjustment. Using this quiet, I am blogging and reflecting on how wonderful the weekend really was.

Late last night and this morning, I spent glorious time organizing all the baby things we received at the shower. I have folded all the freshly washed fabric items, hung my newest curtain that mom finished and was overly ecstatic to pack my new diaper bag with the baby clothes, blanket and miscellaneous items so that we are ready for the hospital when nature calls. Looking at all the baby stuff makes it more exciting and has helped the baby room feel more "alive." I LOVE feeling organized and ready!

Cousin Love

Very, Very, Very excited that my brother Scott and sister-in-law, Paula came to stay with us for the weekend with their daughter, Leegan. They came partly for the baby shower and partly because Isaiah had desparately wanted Leegan to spend the night with him for his brithday in Feb and we just couldn't make it work until now. Isaiah was thrilled and we enjoyed having family stay with us for the ENTIRE weekend! I also got to see Chloe briefly on Saturday at the shower so I included a pic of her...What a cutie!

Baby Shower

An amazing friend, Amy, had a baby shower for me this past Saturday. Friends from church, family and various other friends came and seemed to have a great time eating appetizers and visiting. In the spirit of trying to help us find a name for this baby (which is still up in the air), Amy created a game about celebrity kids' names. Being a People magazine addict, I did rather well but Paula (sister-in-law) took home the prize...she must have a secret obsession?? Unfortunately the knowledge of children out there with the names, "Moxie Crimefighter," "Pilot Inspektor," and the infamous, "Blanket" does not really help us with the choosing of a name...Eric didn't really go for them... :)

It is always overwhelming for me to open presents in front of people, but we received soooo many things we needed and I'm now ready to go and have this kid! We have anything we could ever need or want and I SO appreciate the love that was shown. While I DID NOT tear up (yeah me!), there were moments I am so glad the hormones weren't kicking any stronger...

I sometimes forget how much I really have to be thankful for. I am thankful for the friends that cwere supportive, my family who came to be with me and of course, for Amy, our "fearless host." Love ya Amy!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dog Gross-ness

I am sitting in my clean house, with candles lit all around and taking some time out to blog and catch up. What a perfect evening you are thinking...

This silence is broken only by the sound of the dog attempting to hack something up and out. I keep thinking it will end and then I envision dog vomit all over my freshly swept and mopped floor. Worse yet will be that he decides to up-chuck this "lodgement" on the freshly vacuumed carpet where it soaks in and I will have to scrub. Disgusting. Why do we have a dog? Where is Eric when the dog is making horrible noises?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


The last two days have been absolutely it is a breezy, sunny 70 degree day. Walked outside and noticed little flowers and green sprouts. It's enough to make you want to jump up and down and shout that summer is here. Alas, I know the coldness is probably not over yet, but at least we get a few days! I am so happy blistering, blizzardy cold winter is over.

3 1/2 weeks to go!

Okay, 3 1/2 weeks if I am lucky, 4 1/2 if I am really UN-lucky! I am now going to the dr every week, had my appt yesterday morning and I am dilated 1 cm. Yeah for me! Yes, I do realize this means very little in the scheme of things but I am already farther along than when I went into labor with Isaiah and had to be sent home since I hadn't dilated at all! That means things are moving!

I am feeling okay other than incredibly and perpetually tired with no energy. It is a little frustrating to have all these things I want to do and I jsut can't seem to find the energy to get off the couch to do them. I am uncomfortable and feel as large as a lumberjack but I also know this is to be's amazing how the simple act of bending over can leave me breathless for a minute or so.

We have started to talk a little more to Isaiah about what to expect and he seems extremely worried about possibly "missing" it. I have tried to explain that he is more likely to be incredibly bored waiting for it to come than to actually miss it but he continues to worry. I assume this is natural and hopefully we find the right words and actions to do and say to alleviate his worries. Anyone with suggestions, please feel free!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

1st Grade Music Program

Isaiah had his frist grade Music program this past Monday evening. I desparately wanted to attach a video of Isaiah's exuberance (okay, or complete lack of) so that you could receive the full effect but I still can't seem to figure out how to do it. What you get instead is two pictures; one of him smiling after the singing and one of the crossing of his eyes. Although he looks as though he is angry, he is not and just felt the need to cross his eyes while singing and in between songs. He had quite a few people laughing around us and me slightly mortified but what do you do about it?!?!?!

I assumed this shyness was his father's genes coming through but Eric informed me he was a ham and used to sing so loudly that his teacher would let him know she could hear him just fine. Just imagine Eric being "that kid!" I find that quite amusing and it certainly brings a smile to my face...

Anyway, I figure it may be enough to save these videos forever and show them to every girlfriend he may ever bring home. He did sing nicely with the hand motions if not a little shyly. When asked about his lack of committal he responded, "I'm shy sometimes" and also informed us that the teacher sang so fast and "sooo many songs" that he didn't have time to breathe. Oh...first graders....

It's Done!

Well...okay....almost. We spent the weekend in Ohio with E working and me making baby room things with mom. To clarify, I made ONE curtain, she made the table cover and is currently working on the other curtain and a dresser scarf. My intention was to do the curtains and the scarf but we ran out of time (you know, pedicures were calling...) and the curtain took a little longer than I thought it would. BUT, the one that is finished and hanging is beautiful and professional :) :). Mom suggested we put backing on it to make the finished product look nicer and it turned out just how I wanted. So here's a little pic of the "basically done baby room." Just don't mind the paint can/supplies in the corner and the box standing by the's enough to at least envision the completed project. Thanks mom!

Monday, March 9, 2009

For the Record...

...I am officially ready to get this baby out! I just want to have one good night's sleep. Yes, I am fully aware this will not happen even if the baby came out today. Just needed to put it out there. By the way, anyone have any good boy names? Currently we are at "Baby Boy Chandler..."

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Here's a little update on cutie-patootie Chloe who is now almost one month old! I also caught a great pic of the 3 cousins together which was priceless (and DIFFICULT with Leegan's constantly moving self). Isaiah and Leegan absolutely adore each other so it will be sooooo much fun to see them add another one to the mix! We're just waiting to see the personality of Chloe....


We had our first ladies-of-the-family pedicure day! Grandpa graciously agreed to watch the three grandkids until the dads got home from work and bball so the ladies could run off. Several experienced their very first pedicures (and MOM went with us!) and I think they enjoyed them. That said, I can also say that I don't think I convinced those newbies that pedicures should be a regular event! (I know, I know, what is wrong with them???) Everyone's toes look wonderful and I am now ready to givebirth wherever and whenever with my fabulous toes! We enjoyed the pampering, went to Panera for snacks and specialty drinks afterward and enjoyed some time without kids or men. This "girl time" is a relatively new thing for us and I do hope we continue it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Isaiah is STILL sick so I finally took him to the dr. this morning after he spent the weekend randomly feeling great and then suddenly spiking 103 degree fevers...I couldn't keep up with the unexpected and thought maybe it was a sign of something bad. Anyway, after Xrays (because of his persistent chest cough) and a check up, everything looks clear and the dr. thinks it is a viral infection. We are supposed to call if it does not get better by the end of the week.

I am now starting to feel heavy headed, a little swollen in the throat region and can't believe that I may end up coming down with something. If he would only learn to cover his mouth...